66 Summer Bucket List for Families

Summer Bucket List Pinterest Pin

With this Summer Bucket List for Families, you will have 66 ideas for fun activities for the season. Includes links to help you plan your fun.

Summer gives us so many ways to build new memories with our family. Here is a Summer Bucket List for Families with 66 fun ideas to try!

I split the ideas into two lists; Free or mostly free activities and those that may or probably have a cost. Sometimes it may just be helpful to be able to easily see one list or the other.

There are so many enjoyable things to do in summer when the weather is warm and nice to be outside. There are also activities included that are inside the air conditioning for when it is a bit too hot or it if is rainy.

What is your favorite summer family activity? Did I list it here? If I missed it, please drop me a note in the comments and I will be sure to add it to the list!

There is a free printable at the bottom of the post.

Follow my Fun Summer Pinterest Board for dozens of ideas from all around the web! I am constantly finding new things to add so there will be new things all the time! There are even more ideas there!

Free or Mostly Free Activities

Make some homemade ice cream

Play frisbee (affiliate link)

Blow bubbles (affiliate link)

little girl blowing bubbles

Hunt for tadpoles

Make a raft from sticks

Run through the sprinklers

Drink homemade lemonade

Take a long bike ride

Jump rope (affiliate link)

Have a water balloon fight

Learn a new water skill (dive, back flip, swim, etc.)

Make an obstacle course

Make paper sail boats

Draw with sidewalk chalk (affiliate link)

Play Hide and Seek

Watch fireworks

Lie in the grass and look at the clouds

Go on a beach scavenger hunt

Watch the sunset

Eat popsicles (Try making a homemade popsicle recipe!)

Read a book in the shade

Use a hula hoop (affiliate link)

Play hopscotch

looking down at a girl doing hopscotch and another watching

Play flashlight tag

Sing in the rain

Jump in puddles

Pick berries

Go camping Do a Camping Scavenger Hunt!

Have a picnic

Eat watermelon

Go on a hike

Catch a frog (admire him and let him go)

Build a sandcastle

boy and girl making a sandcastle with ocean behind them

Wash the car

Swing on a swing set

Catch fireflies/lightening bugs

Eat corn on the cob

Play with glowsticks

Have a family game night

Go to a yard sale

Collect seashells

Jump on a trampoline (affiliate link)

boy and girl jumping on trampoline

Have a campfire

Roast marshmallows

Make a root beer float

Climb a tree

Roll down a grassy hill

Play Marco Polo

Have a water balloon fight

Do something with a cousin on National Cousins Day on July 24th (even if you can only face time)

Read a book on Book Lover Day on August 9th

Have a slumber party with friends

Eat a snow cone

Make a pet rock

Skip stones

father and middle school aged boy skipping rocks

May or Probably have a Cost

Play mini golf

Go canoeing, kayaking or rafting

Try a new fruit or vegetable at a Farmer’s Market

Take a boat ride

Go to an aquarium for National Aquarium Month (June)

Go to a zoo for National Zoo Month (June) or American Zoo Day July 1st

Make tie dye shirts (affiliate link)

Plant a tree

Grow a garden

Visit a water park

Sign up for free bowling at kidsbowlfree.com. Many places have free bowling for kids ages 2-15 all summer. We did this many summers.

How many did you do?
What was your favorite?

Here is a free printable Summer Bucket List for Families. It includes the list but you will still have to come here to the post to use any links.

If you make it, play it or use it, let me know! Rate it and leave a comment below. I love hearing from you!

Be Sure to Pin so you can find it easily later!

Are you following me on Pinterest? I have been working very hard making new boards I think you will love and am adding dozens of new pins from all of the popular homeschooling websites!

You can also follow me on my Facebook page, Loving Homeschool! I am adding pictures, links and much more than I would on the blog. If you love recipes, come follow my recipe group, Best Recipes you will Want to Make.



Welcome! I am a wife, mother, mother-in-law, Grammy, daughter, sister, retired homeschooler, writer, recipe inventor, photographer and website content creator

Visit my other website for all kinds of recipes and tips at MyProductiveBackyard.com. Enjoy! 🙂

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