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Dozens of Brain Breaks for Kids both for short and longer breaks. Also includes free printables and why, when and how to use Brain Breaks!
No matter how good of a worker we are and no matter how old or young we are, our brains need a break now and then. It is good for both our bodies and brains to take a short break to get moving! It refreshes our brains and is helpful to be more productive through the day.
Brain breaks don’t have to take a long time but they are so rewarding. They get the blood flowing, are fun and everyone looks forward to them! With practice, children learn to get right back into their work after their break.
This post contains two groups of Brain Breaks. The first group take less than 5 minutes and many just a minute or two. The second group takes longer for when they really need a break or recess or after school.
Brain Breaks for Kids is part of How to encourage kids to do their school work without tears; if you are Tired of the daily Homework Battle, Here are 12 Tried and True Tips How to Encourage your kids to do their school work without tears.
Why use a Brain Break:
Kids have lots of energy and it is good for them to use it!
It is something to look forward to many times a day.
It gets the blood flowing through body and brain!
Improves concentration in class.
It makes happier students.
When to use a Brain Break:
Before starting school
Between subjects
Right after lunch or recess to get ready to focus again
Any time the child is lagging
When the child seems bored
How to use Brain Breaks:
How to print the cards
Print the cards to laminate, hole punch and put on a key ring; it is easiest if you chose one each time or work through them in order this way.
Print them out, laminate them and keep them loose to put into a large jar or bag and the child can choose one randomly each time. Some enjoy the surprise they get with this method.
Some of the Brain Breaks are songs and some are actions. You may like to print the songs on a different color paper so you know when you will be choosing one of those.
Card stock is another good option. It is more durable than regular paper without the extra time of laminating.
When you hit the print button, you should get a pop-up page with options. One will be whether you wish to print all of the pages or just some of them. You can type all or 1 or 1,3 or 3-5 or whatever pages you would like to print.
If you only want to print the quicker brain breaks; you would want only pages 1-4.
If you know your child loves songs and you would like 2 pages of the “Sing an action song” page printed out, you would want to print out 2 copies of page 4, etc.
The longer brain breaks are on pages 5-7.
It is nice to be able to print out exactly what you want with that drop down menu.
Another option there is printing front and back if it is more than 1 page. Sometimes that is a great option and other times not. In this case, you will want to be sure that it is set to print on only one side of the paper.
How to explain to the child(ren)
When you are just starting, explain that you will choose one activity at a time to do and when it is over, it is back to work until the next one. This way they know exactly what is expected and with just a little bit of practice will enjoy the routine.
The Brain Breaks are so short that they are meant to do several a day so can be looked forward to throughout the day.
These printables are free for personal, home and classroom use. This means you are welcome to print as many copies as you need for use with your own kids, personal classroom, etc. Please do not mass produce these. Please refer fellow teachers or friends to this website to print off their own copies for their use.
Supplies to have on hand:
Most Brain Breaks don’t need supplies but a few things would be helpful. If you prefer not to use breaks with these items, just remove those cards.
A timer; good for reinforcing when the break is over. For many, one without the sometimes stressful ticking is nice.
Here are the Brain Breaks—Print Below
Short Brain Breaks

Jump rope-for real if you have room—pretend if you don’t
Body wiggles—don’t forget to wiggle your feet, hands, toes, fingers, ears, nose, lips, eyebrows and hair!
Run around the house outside (take the dog!)
Hop on your right foot 10 times. Hop on your left foot 10 times. Do both again. (Do even again if needed!)
Fly like a plane around the room
March like a soldier around the room
Balance on one foot (hold onto something if you need to) and then on the other foot) for 30 seconds each. Then balance on one hand and one foot for 30 seconds.
Walk like a crab around the room
Do 10 squats
Pat head and rub circles on stomach for 1 minute and then do the opposite for 1 minute
Hop like a rabbit
Do as many jumping jacks as you can. Write down how many you did. Is it more than the last time?
Simon Says-take turns with who is Simon
Pretend to ride a horse around the room
Waddle like a penguin around the room
Run in place for 1 minute. Now run in place for 1 minute but as slowly as you can.
Walk like a dinosaur around the room
Swim like a shark around the room
Buzz like a bee around the room
Jump around the room like a kangaroo
Touch your toes and then your ears then hands on hips 10 times. Do again if needed.
Peck and scratch like a chicken around the room a few times.
Balance book on head and walk around table 3 times. Hold onto it if you need to.
Find three things on the floor and pick them up as fast as you can!
Walk around the room like an elephant (don’t forget your trunk!)
Crawl like a snake around the room
Count from 10 to 1 backwards while hopping once for each number
Do 10 sit-ups
Do as many pushups as you can. Write down how many you did. Is it more than the last time?
Sing an action song like these Brain Breaks Moving Songs for Kids

Longer break ideas: Maybe print these on a different colored sheet of paper

Color a picture
Do a puzzle
Play with play doh
Jump rope
Do a scavenger hunt (like this Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt!)
Help to bake or cook something
Go outside and look for cloud shapes
Paint a picture
Have a tea party or snack with your stuffed animals or dolls
Write a letter to a friend
Match the socks in the laundry
Color or draw with sidewalk chalk
Read a book
Blow bubbles
Create a toothpick and mini marshmallow tower
Create a puppet show with your stuffed animals
Make a card for someone
Draw a picture
Ride your bike
Create a zoo with as many animals as you can find
Make up a funny story
Play a game
Go for a walk
Build a fort
Make a treasure map
Do a craft
Write a story
Make an obstacle course
Create a game
Call a grandparent or friend
Printable Brain Breaks for Kids–I printed my Short Brain Breaks on green, a page of songs on blue and Longer Brain Breaks on yellow paper.

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