This Cat Unit Study has all you need to learn about Cats with your students in a fun way with videos, crafts, printables, recipes and even an interactive quiz!
The most enjoyable way to learn about something is to explore it from every angle and in every way possible. With this Cat Unit Study, your children AND you will enjoy learning about Cats as you watch videos, read books, do crafts and printables and even make food together. Have fun!
In the printables section there is no end to keep everyone busy; find word scrambles, word searches, I spy, how many words can you find, coloring pages, mazes and guess the phrase.
There are also educational videos to watch, new books to check out, jokes to enjoy together and songs to learn.
Follow my Cats Pinterest Board for dozens of ideas from all around the web! I am constantly finding new things to add so there will be new things all the time!
When is International and National Cat Day?
National Cat Day is October 29th, International Cat Day is August 8th and there is even a Global Cat Day is October 16th!
Cats must be special to have all of those days to celebrate them!
This Unit Study is the perfect thing to do leading up to those days. Of course, any time is a great time to learn about cats.
Other Unit Studies
Seasons and Holidays
Facts about Domestic Cats
Cats are mammals.
Cats are carnivorous.
That means they eat meat.
Cats are crepuscular, which means that they’re most active at dawn and dusk.
They weigh 8-11 pounds.
The heaviest domestic cat on record was 46 pounds.
Cats come in lots of colors; black, white, brown, gray, yellow, red and orange.
They can be one color, striped, patchy or a mixture of colors called tortoiseshell.
They can have long hair or short hair.
Cat eyes can be blue, yellow, green, brown or even look purple in some lights! They could even be two different colors!
Indoor pet cats live to be around 14 years old.
Outdoor cats, whether they are pets or wild, live to be around 7 years old.
A male cat is called a tom.
A female cat is called a molly or a queen.
Baby cats are called kittens.

A group of cats is called a clowder.
A group of kittens born to a molly or queen is her litter.
Most litters of kittens are 3-5 kittens but they can be just 1 or up to 7 kittens.
When born, a kitten is about 3 inches long, has no teeth, its ears lie flat and eyes are closed.
Cats lick their coats to keep themselves clean.

They have rough tongues. Their tongues are perfect for combing and cleaning their fur.
Cats can spend up to a third of their waking hours grooming.
Cats have retractable claws. That means that they can pull them into their paw.

A feral cat is one who is wild.
A stray cat is one who was someone’s pet at one time but is lost or abandoned.
Cats are excellent hunters.
They will stalk their prey and pounce on it.
Cats have 230 bones, while humans only have 206.
They sleep up to 20 hours every day and an average of 13-14 hours every day.

Cats can see very well in the dark.
They also hear and smell very well.
Cats can dream.
Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don’t taste sweetness.
They can jump up to 6 times their own height. That is about 8 feet.
Their tails help them balance.
They are supposed to have 18 toes (five toes on each front paw; four toes on each back paw).
Cats walk like camels and giraffes: They move both of their right feet first, then move both of their left feet. No other animals walk this way.
Cats can run up to 30 miles per hour.
They can only sweat a few places because they are covered in fur. One major place to sweat is their paws.
There are between 200 and 600 million domesticated cats worldwide.
Cats are the second most popular domestic pet in the world.

Each cat’s nose print is unique, much like human fingerprints.
A cat will purr when it is happy and content.
Cats will meow, purr, hiss, chirp, growl, yowl, merp and make clicking sounds. They are great communicators.
**When you think you know the facts, take the interactive quiz at the bottom of the post! 😊
Videos about Cats
Cats! Learning about Cats for Kids 3:07 Lots of facts about cats; narrating with video clips
Cool Facts About Cats | Things You Wanna Know 2:10 Narration with a mix of video clips and images
Kitten Facts for Kids! 1:38 Narration with video clips showing adorable kittens and facts
Cats | Learn more about cats for kids | Kids academy 2:40 Narration with video
Cat Song | Songs For Toddlers 1:28 Song about child’s cat telling about what it does all day showing cartoon cat
10 Little Kittens Song for Children and Kids 2:36 Counting kittens in a tree (counting by 2’s)
three little kittens 2:00 The popular nursery rhyme about the kittens and their mittens
Five little Kittens 2:40 Like 5 Little Monkeys
Some Jokes
Kids love jokes so I had to include some good ones here for them!
3 Cats I Spy Printables (2 levels plus 1 I Spy and Color)
Cats Word Search Printables (2 levels)
Cats Word Scramble Printables (2 levels)
Free Cats How Many Words Printables
Crafts and Activities

Felt Cat Finger Puppet Sewing Pattern

How to Make a Cat Toy in 2 Minutes

Amigurumi Cat Crochet Cat Pattern

Ten Recipes and Designs for Edible Cats for a Cat Themed Party!
How to Draw Cats
Here is some instruction on how to draw cats. They are both a little bit different and the outcome of what the cat looks like is a bit different so you can choose which you like.
How To Draw A Cat Step By Step by Super Easy Drawings; nice and easy on You Tube
How to draw a cat step by step by Cutest Drawings; another nice and basic You Tube
How to draw a cat by Artlex Much more advanced; has video and written instructions
I found the facts for this post from the following sources
It is always good to cite your sources and if you would like to read more details, there is much more information at the links.
Facts Just for Kids—Cat facts for kids
101 Amazing Cat Facts by Charlottesville Cat Care Clinic (lots of great facts here)
Test your knowledge about cats here!
Cats Quiz

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