76 Bee Jokes for Kids

76 Bee Jokes for Kids Pinterest Pin

Keep sharp with these 76 Bee Jokes for kids! Whether you are doing a study on bees or just love a good joke, you will have fun with these!

Jokes are a great way to learn and have fun at the same time! These 76 Bee Jokes for Kids will keep your kids interested and laughing at the same time!

What other Bee Jokes have you heard that you love? Leave them below in a comment and I will add them to the list with your name!

Have you made one up? That is even better! 

Other fun Honey Bee Links

Honey Bee I Spy Printables

Honey Bee Word Search Printables

10 Honey Bee Coloring Pages

Honey Bee Word Scramble Printables

76 Bee Jokes for Kids

Honey Bee Unit Study has all you need to learn about Honey Bees with your students in a fun way with videos, crafts, printables, recipes and even an interactive quiz!

62 Honey Recipes

Follow my Honey Bees Pinterest Board for dozens of ideas from all around the web! I am constantly finding new things to add so there will be new things all the time!

When is National Honey Bee Day and World Honey Bee Day?

National Honey Bee Day and World Honey Bee Day are both the third Saturday in August. It is August 20th in 2022. In 2023 it is August 19th. In 2024 it is August 17th.

These word scrambles are the perfect thing to do leading up to that day. Of course, any time is a great time to learn about Honey Bees!

Other Jokes you will Love

The Jokes

What did one bee say to the other?

I love bee-ing with you, honey!

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use a honeycomb.

What kind of haircuts to bees get?


What do you call a bee that works for the government?

A pollentician.

Can bees fly in the rain?

Not without their yellow jackets.

What do you call a bee that needs a drink?


How do bees get to school?

On the school buzz…

What did the bee say to the flower?

Hey bud!

What do you call a bee that’s returned from the dead?

A zombee.

Which bee gives you a second chance?

The plan bee.

What’s another name for a wasp?

A wanna-bee.

I went to the bee keepers to buy some bees.

All the bees had price tags on them except one. It was a freebie.

What did the bee say to the naughty bee?

Bee-hive yourself.

beekeeper showing a tray of bees

Which singers do bees love?

Sting, Bee-yonce and the Bee Gees.

What do bees do when their friend moves into a new hive?

They throw them a house swarming party.

What do you call a bee who is having a bad hair day?

A Frizz-bee.

Why was the bee fired from the barbershop?

He only knew how to give a buzz cut.

What do you call a bee that’s been put under a spell?


Which sport do bees like the most?


What do you call a bumble bee trying to make up its mind?

A maybee.

I’m holding a bee in my hands- what is in my eye?


What’s another name for a baby bee?

A little humbug.

Who says “zzub zzub zzub”?

A bee flying backwards.

What do you call a bee that’s hard to understand?

A mumble-bee.

What do bees wear to the beach?

A bee-kini!

Who is a bee’s favorite classical composer?


Why do bees hum?

Because they can’t remember the words.

Where do bees sit?

On their bee-hinds.

What did the bee say to the flower?

Hey bud!

What do bees chew?

Bumble gum.

Why are A’s like flowers?

Because bee’s come after them!

Why was the bee told off and made to stand in a corner?

Because it was mis-bee-hiving itself.

Where do bees keep their money?

In a honey box

What did the bee say to the flower?

Hello honey.

3 jars of honey of different colors and pink flowers on the side

What’s a bee’s favorite Disney movie?

Beauty And The Bees.

What do you call a bee that’s been put under a spell?


Why did the honey bee queen’s dessert wobble when she tried to eat it?

Because it was royal jelly.

What did the bees do after they got married?

They went on a honeymoon.

Why did the bee go to the dermatologist?

It had hives.

What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?

A spelling bee.

What vehicle a Bee would want to ride?

A beecycle

What do bees like with their sushi?


Where do bees catch a bus?

A buzz stop!

Where do bees go on holiday?

Stingapore and Beejing!

Why did the bee go to jail?

It was caught nectar robbing!

honey bee on purple flowers

A bumblebee, a spelling bee and a vitamin B got in a fight.

The vitamin B1.

What do you get if you cross a horse with a bee?

Neigh buzz.

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Honey bee.

Honey bee who?

Honey bee a dear and get me some water.

What would bears be without bees?

Just ears.

Why are bees good at job interviews?

Because they know all of the buzz-words.

What kind of bee hums and drop things?

A fumble bee.

What’s a honey bee’s favorite kind of flower? 

A Bee-gonia.

How does a queen bee get around her hive?

She’s throne.

What do you call a bee explorer?

Christopher Colum-buzz

What do you call a beehive with no exits?


Where did Noah keep his bees?

In the ark hives.

hive of bees with lots of bees

What do you call a bee that falls down a hill?

A stumble bee.

What do bees use to build roads?


What do you call a bee who’s having a bad hair day?

A frisbee.

What do bees call queen bee food when it has gone off?

Royal smelly.

What do you get if you cross a bee with a dog?

A bee-gle.

What do bees take with them when they go bird watching?


How do you shoot a killer bee?

With a bee-bee gun

What do you get if you cross a bee with a doorbell?

A Hum-Dinger!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Abby who?

A bee just stung me!

What do bees use for energy?

Flower power

What kind of bee is good for you?

Vitamin Bee

What buzzes, is black and yellow, and goes along the bottom of the sea?

A bee in a submarine.

What do you call a bee that can’t quit talking?


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76 Bee Jokes for Kids Pinterest Pin

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Visit my other website for all kinds of recipes and tips at MyProductiveBackyard.com. Enjoy! 🙂

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