118 Whale Jokes for Kids

118 Whale Jokes for Kids Pinterest Pin

Here are 118 Whale-y Funny Whale Jokes for Kids! Whether you are doing a study on Whales or just love a good joke, you will have fun with these!

Whale Hello there! Jokes are a great way to learn and have fun at the same time! These Whale Jokes for Kids will keep your kids interested and laughing at the same time!

What other Whale Jokes have you heard that you love? Leave them below in a comment and I will add them to the list with your name (if you would like)!

Have you made one up? That is even better! 

Other fun Whale Links

15 Whale Coloring Pages

Whale Crossword Puzzle

Whale How Many Words Printables

3 Whale I Spy Printables

Whale Word Search Printable

Whale Word Scramble Printables

118 Whale Jokes for Kids

A Whale Unit Study has all you need to learn about Whales with your students in a fun way with videos, crafts, printables, recipes and even an interactive quiz!

Follow my Whales Pinterest Board for dozens of ideas from all around the web! I am constantly finding new things to add so there will be new things all the time!

When is World Whale Day?

World Whale Day is the third Sunday in February. It is on February 18th in 2024, on February 16th in 2025 and on February 15th in 2026.

Other Jokes you will Love

The Jokes

What do British whales eat?

Fish and ships

How do whales stay healthy?

They always have a ‘porpoise’ in life

Why do whales sing?

Because they can’t talk

Why did the whale cross the ocean?

It was her life’s porpoise

How do whales celebrate birthdays?

With a ‘sea’-prise party!

What is a whale’s favorite sandwich?

Krilled cheese

Why did the whale call a detective?

He saw something that looked fishy

How do you find out how heavy a whale is?

Take them to a whale-weigh station

How did the octopus make the whale laugh?

With ten-tickles

What time is it when a whale jumps into your boat?

Time to get a new boat

How do you make a whale float?

Combine root beer, ice cream and a whale

Why does Charles get treated like royalty when he goes in the sea?

Because he’s the Prince of Whales

Why did the whale start a financial help program?

It wanted to inspire others to become “whale”-their

What’s the difference between a marine biologist and a dog?

One tags a whale, the other wags a tail

What do you call a whale magician?

A ‘hocus-porpoise’

What’s a whale’s favorite kind of humor?

‘Dry’ jokes

What do whales do when they get angry Q&A

What do whales do when they get angry?

They blow up and then let off steam

Did you know that whales can squirt ink?

Just squidding

How does a whale ask for forgiveness?

It ‘blubbers’ an apology

Why did the whale turn down the job offer?

Because he didn’t want to be tide down by a full-time job

What do you call a whale with bad posture?

A hunchback whale

Why do mermaids never stay on shore for too long?

They find it over-whale-ming

What makes whales the best hackers?

They are great at breaching security

Which type of whale can fly?

Pilot whales

What do you do with a blue whale?

Cheer it up

What do you call a whale with no teeth?

A gummy whale

Why did the whale start a spa?

It wanted to offer “whale”-ness retreats

How do whales greet each other?

“‘Whale’ hello there!”

What’s a whale’s favorite type of sandwich?

Anything with lots of “fin”ger foods

Why did the whale start a rock band?

It wanted to make a “killer” album

How do you know when a whale likes you?

It gives you a whale of a time

What’s a whale’s favorite movie?

The Humpback Of Notre Dame

How did the whale get to the hospital?

In a big clambulance

Why can’t you trust a whale with your money?

He’ll blow the hole lot

What do you get if you cross a whale with an elephant?

A submarine with a built-in snorkel

What’s a whale’s favorite motivational quote?

Where there’s a whale, there’s a way

If whales lived on land, which country would they live in?


What do you call a whale that’s a computer genius?

A mega-byte

How do whales talk to each other?

They use ‘shell’ phones

Why did the whale miss his flight Q&A

Why did the whale miss his flight? 

He was whaley late

Why aren’t whales afraid of pirates?

They like being made to walk the plankton

Where do whales sleep at night?

In water beds

What do you call a whale on a beach?


What did the mommy whale do when her son stayed out too late?

She flipped

What do whales say when they’re surprised?

“Whale, I’ll be!”

What’s a whale’s favorite holiday?

Christmas, for the ‘porpoise’ of giving

How do you apologize to a whale?

You say, “I’m shore-y!”

What do whales need to stay healthy?

Vitamin Sea

What did the baby dolphin say when she was sad?

Nothing, she just whale-d

What does a whale like to chew?


Why did the whale apply for a job?

Because it wanted to make some “fin”ancial gains!

What do you call a whale with a crown?

The Prince of ‘Whales’

What do you call a fashionable killer whale?

A “whale-dressed” predator!

What’s a whale’s favorite kind of sandwich?

Peanut butter and krill-y

What birthday party game do whales like to play?

Salmon Says

Who helps injured whales?


What’s a whale’s favorite fruit?


Why do killer whales never make friends with other species?

They’re too orca-ward

What’s a whale’s favorite instrument to play?

The harp-oon!

What’s the biggest sea animal from Scotland Q&A

What’s the biggest sea animal from Scotland?


How do you get a whale off the beach?

With a whale-barrow!

Why are whales great at playing baseball?

They know how to dive for the ball

How do you get two whales in a car?

Start in England and drive west

Do whales ever do things by accident?

No, they do everything on porpoise

What do you call an ocean with security cameras?

An Orwhaleian nightmare

How do whales handle bad news?

They take it with a grain of ‘salt‘

Why don’t whales use Facebook?

Because they don’t like click-bait

Why did the two whales get married?

They were head over fins in love

How does a whale say goodbye?

“Until Whale meet again”

How does a whale relax?

Netflix and krill

How do whales do their laundry Q&A

How do whales do their laundry?

With tide pods

What do you call a whale in kindergarten?

A little squirt

What do whales use for money?

Sand dollars

How do killer whales hunt?

With a well orca-strated attack

How does a pod of whales make a decision?

They flipper coin

Why did the whale refuse to play cards?

It was afraid of the shark

How do fish travel long distances?

They whale a taxi

What do you call a noisy whale?

A ‘blubber’ mouth

What do whales like to draw with?

A-krill-ic paint

Why do whales like salt water?

Pepper makes them sneeze

Why did the whale cross the ocean?

To get to the other tide

What do you call a group of whale musicians?

An orca-stra

Why did the whale get a promotion?

It was a ‘sea’ soned professional

Have you ever seen a fish cry?

No, but I’ve seen a whale blubber

What do you call a whale that’s a great comedian?

A “whale”-arious joker

Why don’t whales like fast food?

Because they can’t catch it!

Why should you never make a contract with a whale?

The whale will eventually breach it

What do a group of whales listen to on a long journey?


What do whales read in the morning?

The ‘Daily ‘Krill’ news

What did the baby whale say to its mother when she asked him a question?

“I’m not shore, mom.”

Why did the whales tell their friend to be quiet?

He wouldn’t stop harpooning on about things

What did the mermaid send to her sick friend?

Get whale card

What’s an orca’s favorite TV show?

Whale Of Fortune

How do you get banned from Sea World?

Free Willy

Why did the killer whale go to jail for stealing all the diamonds?

He’s the one that orca-strated the heist

What’s a whale’s favorite type of cookie Q&A

What’s a whale’s favorite type of cookie?

Anything with “whale”-nuts

What is a whale’s favorite game?

Swallow the leader

What did the orca right on his Valentine’s Day card?

Whale you be mine?

Why did the whale bring a backpack full of jokes to the beach?

It wanted to have a “whale”-larious time

What did the whale say to the shrimp who wouldn’t share its food?

“Stop being so shellfish!”

Why don’t whales do well on their report cards?

Because they work below C-Level

Why don’t whales play volleyball?

Because they’re afraid of the net

How do you make a fish laugh?

Tell it a whale of a tale

What do you call a whale that’s always on time?

A well-orca-nized whale

Why did the whale bring a computer to the ocean?

He wanted to surf the net

What’s a whale’s favorite James Bond movie?

A License To Krill

Where did the whale go for his vacation?


Why did the whale want to stay at the party?

She was having Whale of a time

Why are whales are the saddest creatures in the world?

They always have a heavy heart

What do you get when you cross a cow with a killer whale?


What do polite whales say?

“You’re whale-come!”

Where do whales keep their money?

In an octopurse

What did the ocean say to the whale?

Nothing, it just waved

What did one beached whale say to the other beached whale?

Long time no sea

Where does a little killer whale go to get braces?

The orca-dontist

Why was the whale arrested?

Because his alibi seemed a little fishy

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Whale who?

Whale, don’t just stand there open the door!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Whale who?

Whale that’s enough of that joke!

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118 Whale Jokes for Kids Pinterest Pin


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