You will love these purr-fect 109 Cat Jokes for kids! Whether you are doing a study on cats or just love a good joke, you will have fun with these!
Jokes are a great way to learn and have fun at the same time! These 109 Cat Jokes for Kids will keep your kids both interested and laughing!
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When is International and National Cat Day?
National Cat Day is October 29th, International Cat Day is August 18th and there is even a Global Cat Day is October 16th!
Cats must be special to have all of those days to celebrate them!
Other Jokes you will Love
The Jokes
How do baby cats learn how to swim?
The kitty pool
How do cats bake a cake?
From scratch
Where do cats roam?
In the catacombs!
Why don’t cats ever say “YOLO?”
They have nine lives.
What animal has more lives than the cat?
A frog; he croaks every night.
What’s a cat’s favorite magazine?
Good Mousekeeping!
Why did the cat wear a fancy dress?
She was feline fine!
Where do American cats like to vacation?
The Cat-skills
What delicacy do dogs love?
Cat Loaf and Clowder
In what kind of weather is a vet the busiest?
When it’s raining cats and dogs!
What do you call a cat wearing shoes?
A puss in boots!

What do you call a fluffy male cat asleep on a bed?
A Himalayan.
Where did cats live in Ancient Greece?
The Panther-non.
How do cats stop crimes?
They call claw enforcement!
Why was the cat so agitated?
Because he was in a bad mewd!
What did one cat say to the other cat on Valentine’s Day?
Don’t ever change, you’re purrrfect.
What do you call a cat who loves to bowl?
An alley cat!
How does a cat sing scales?
What sports do cats play?
What do cats love to do in the morning?
Read the mewspaper!
How is cat food sold?
Usually, purr can!
Why can’t cats play poker in the jungle?
Too many cheetahs!
What should you say to your cat when you leave the house?
“Have a mice day!”
What do cats use to make coffee?
A purr-colator!
How does a cat decide what it wants from the store?
It flips through the cat-alog!
What kind of stick does a cat chase?
A cat-stick!
What kind of kitten works for the Red Cross?
A first-aid Kit.
What’s a cat’s favorite subject in school?
What types of cats purr the best?
What state has a lot of cats and dogs?
What’s a cat’s favorite game to play with a mouse?
What do you call a pile of kittens?
A meowntain!
What do cats eat for breakfast?
Mice Krispies!
Where do cats always fly out of when they travel?
Kitty Hawk!
What’s a cat’s favorite TV show?
Claw and Order.
What song does a cat like best?
Three Blind Mice.
What does a kitten become after it’s three days old?
Four days old!

Why do cats always win video games?
Because they have nine lives!
Where does a cat go when it loses its tail?
The re-tail store!
What do you call a cat who lives in an igloo?
An eskimeow!
How did the Mom Cat know she was pregnant?
Her test was pawsitive.
Why did the cats ask for a drum set?
They wanted to make some mewsic!
Why did the cat eat the lemons?
He was a sourpuss!
How do you get a cat to code?
You Scratch it!
What does the cat say after making a joke?
“I’m just kitten!”

What are cats best at?
Why was the cat afraid of the tree?
Because of its bark!
What did the cat say when it was confused?
“I’m purr-plexed!”
What’s a cat’s favorite dessert?
Chocolate mouse!
How did the cat comic know he was funny?
The audience was meow-ling with laughter.
Why was the animal lover so untrustworthy?
She kept letting the cat out of the bag!
What do cats call a nice dinner?
“A fancy feast.”
Where do cats enjoy spending a family day?
The mew-seum.
What did the alien say to the cat?
“Take me to your litter.”
What happens when a cat eats a lemon?
It becomes a sour puss
When is it bad luck to see a black cat?
When you’re a mouse
What job do most cars think their owners have?
Why was the cat’s meow so low?
He was Whisker-ing
What type of cat works for the Red Cross?
A first aid cat!
What do cats look for in a significant other?
A great purrsonality.
What did the mom cat say about her intuition?
“I just had a strong feline.”
What do you call cats that fall over a cliff?
A Cats-cade.
Which cat threw the biggest and most lavish parties in the 1920’s?
The Great Catsby.
What is a cat’s favorite color?
Why do cats make horrible DJs?
They always paws the tunes.

Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool?
She had mittens.
How many cats can you put into an empty box?
Only one. After that, the box isn’t empty.
Why was the cat sitting on the computer?
To keep an eye on the mouse!
Why did one cat massage the other?
It was Kneading attention.
What do you call a large group of cats?
What do you call a cat that is tortoiseshell and white colored?
What San Francisco food do cats love to eat?
What’s a cat’s favorite button on the TV remote?
Why was the teenage cat sent to his room?
He was in a bad meowd.
Why do cats hate laptops?
They don’t have a mouse.
What do baby cats always wear?
When cats need to go to the airport, who do they call?
A tabby.
Why are kittens actually excellent bosses?
They have great littership.
What’s it called when all the treats are gone?
A cat-astrophe.
Why are cats great singers?
Because they’re very mewsical!
Why did the teenage cat call her parents when she found an apartment she liked?
She needed them to (cali)co-sign her lease.
What did the kitten have at their birthday party?
A pounce house.
Why did the kitty get an “A” on their English assignment?
They properly used an independent claws.
When a cat doesn’t want to say goodbye, what do they say instead?
“See ya litter!”
Why is it hard to trust cats?
They have many tall tails.
Why was the cat so small?
Because it only ate condensed milk!
If lights run on electricity and cars run on gas, what do cats run on?
Their paws.
What did the cat say when it got scratched?
How do you sort cats into groups?
You put them into Cat-orgiries
Why did the cat go to jail?
He was caught Lion-ing to the police.
What do cats put on their French fries?
Who gives presents to good cats at Christmas?
Santa Claws.

How did they know the cat was an excellent fencer?
He was Sabre-tooth.
Why do cats always get their way?
They are very purr-suasive!
How do two cats end a fight?
They hiss and make up!
What should you use to comb a cat?
A catacomb!
What do you call a cat burrito?
A purrito
What is smarter than a talking cat?
A spelling bee!
What is a cat’s favorite kitchen tool?
The “whisker”.
What do you get when you cross a chick with an alley cat?
A peeping tom.
What is a cat’s favorite movie?
The Sound of Mewsic!
How do you know a cat is agitated?
He’s having a hissy fit!
What cat was a member of King Arthur’s round table?
Sir Lance-Ocelot.
What happens when you tame a wildcat?
They become a mildcat.
Where do cats sell their second hand goods?
The Paw-n shop.
What religion do all cats follow?
What kind of boats do cats like the most?
A CAT- amaran
What is the study of cats from the past called?
What do cats like to eat on a hot day?
A mice-cream cone!
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