Be bear-y funny with these 83 Polar Bear Jokes for kids! Whether you are doing a study on Polar Bears or just love a good joke, you will have fun with these!
Jokes are a great way to learn and have fun at the same time! These Polar Bear Jokes for Kids will keep your kids interested and laughing at the same time!
We hope you can bear how funny these jokes are!!
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Other fun Polar Bear Links
Polar Bear I Spy Printables (2 levels)
Free Polar Bear How Many Word Printables
Polar Bear Word Scramble Printables (2 levels)
Polar Bear Word Search Printables (2 levels)
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When is International Polar Bear Day?
International Polar Bear Day is February 27th.
There is also an entire Polar Bear Week during the first full week of November.
Other Jokes you will Love
The Jokes
What did the Polar Bear say when it saw a seal on a bike?
Meals on Wheels!
Have you heard about the two baby polar bears playing hide and seek?
One of them said, “Icy you.”
Why did the polar bear swim across the river?
To get to the other side
What do you get if you cross a dishonest polar bear and a harp seal?
A bear faced lyre!
What happened when the polar bear took a vow of silence?
His lips were sealed.
How do polar bears pass their laws?
They give them the seal of approval.
What did the polar bear eat after the dentist fixed its tooth?
The dentist.
What do you call a polar bear that has his degree in dentistry?
A molar bear.
Why did the polar bear cross the road?
Because there are no chickens in the Arctic.
What is a polar bear’s favorite cake?
Blue-beary muffins.
Why did the polar bear get lost?
He just couldn’t get his bear-ings.
Did you hear about the pinniped that became friends with a polar bear?
His fate was sealed.
What do you call a dream in which polar bears are chasing you?
A bite-mare
Have you heard about the polar bear who thought the Antarctic and the Arctic were the same?
He had no idea that they are polar opposites.
What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal?
A polar bear.
What do polar bears like to eat in the cold?
A “brrr”-“grrr”!

Why don’t polar bears eat fast food?
Because they can’t catch it.
What do polar bears like to eat?
What do you call a polar bear on thin ice?
An ice breaker.
What did the baby polar bear say to the stranger?
I bear-ly know you.
What do you call a polar bear caught in the rain?
A drizzly bear.
What is a polar bear’s favorite cereal?
Ice Crispies.
What did the polar bear say when she slipped and fell on the ice?
“How embearassing!”
What type of headgear do polar bears wear?
An ice cap.

Have you heard about the polar bear who lives next door?
He seems to be an ice guy.
What kind of hugs do polar bears give?
Bear hugs!
Who is a polar bear’s favorite playwright?
William Shakes-bear.
What did the polar bear said to the other bear?
“Ice to meet you.”
What did the polar bears say when they saw campers in sleeping bags?
Yum… Hot Pockets!
What type of cereal does the polar bear always have for breakfast?
Ice Krispies.
Where do polar bears go dancing?
At the snow ball.
What is furry and like to play with a ball in the swimming pool?
A polo bear!
Why do polar bears have thick, white coats?
Fur protection.
Why was the polar bear feeling sad?
He was home alone and ice-olated.
What happened to the polar bear who was disgruntled at work?
He did only the bear minimum.
What’s considered a balanced diet for polar bears?
A seal in each paw
When is a polar bear not a polar bear?
When it’s in a grizzly mood.
What did the polar bear say to his wife?
I love you beary much.

How was the stuffed polar bear feeling at the end of a long day?
He was feeling teddy-ous.
Why do polar bears have fur coats?
Because they would be freezing in shorts!
What do you call a polar bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear.
Why don’t you find polar bears wearing shoes?
Because they love to go bear foot.
Why didn’t the polar bear bride show up at her wedding?
She got cold feet.
What do polar bears sing on their birthday?
Freeze a jolly good fellow.
Why shouldn’t you take polar bears to the zoo?
Because they’d rather go to the movies.
Why are polar bears so good at car racing?
Because they are in pole position.
What do you call a polar bear without ears?
Polar B.
What did the polar bear say to his wife after a long day?
He said, “Can you paw me some hot coffee?”
What is the difference between a panda and a polar bear?
About 1,000 miles.
Did you hear about the polar bear social media influencer?
She loves taking polar-oid pictures.
Have you heard about the polar bear who got a government job?
He got into I.C.E.
What did the polar bear have stuck in its teeth?
Slow Eskimos.
What do polar bears eat for lunch?
Ice berg-ers

What did the polar bear say when it saw the igloo?
“Oooo! I LOVE these things! Crunchy on the outside – with a nice chewy center!”
What is a polar bear’s favorite food?
Ice cream.
How do you put a polar bear into a refrigerator?
Open the door and put it in.
What do you call a polar bear that likes to skate?
A roller bear.
How do polar bears catch food?
With their bear hands.
Why are polar bears popular at parties?
Because they know how to break the ice.
What’s a polar bear scientist’s favorite element?
It’s bear-ium.
What would you call a sunbathing polar bear?
A solar bear.
How do polar bears stay cool in the summer?
Bear conditioning.
What do you call a big mean polar bear heading your way?
Don’t call it anything – just run!
Where do polar bears keep their money?
In snowbanks.
Where do polar bears go to vote?
The North Pole.
Why did the polar bear refuse a job at the North Pole?
He didn’t like the company’s altitude.
Why did the polar bear refuse to take up the job at the North Pole?
He did not like the company’s altitude.
What kind of currency polar bears use?
Cold cash.
What do you call a polar bear wearing earplugs?
Call him whatever you want, he can’t hear you.
Why do polar bears hate snow jokes?
They think they are un-bear-able.

Where do the teenaged polar bears go to dance?
To the snow-ball.
What did the polar bear say to Santa Claus?
“Thank you snow much.”
How does a polar bear stop a movie?
By pressing the “paws” button
Why would polar bears be cheap to keep as pets?
They live on ice
What is a polar bear’s favorite shape?
Ice-osceles triangle.
What is the best part of the Arctic?
I’m not sure, but there sure is something cool about it.
What a is polar bear’s favorite beverage?
A Frost-tea.
What happened to the two polar bears that fell in love?
It was love at frost sight.
What would you call a polar bear who is afraid of confined spaces?
What’s a freezing polar bear referred to as?
A polar brrrrr.
When is a polar bear not a polar bear?
When it is unbearable.
Why did the polar bear buy a compass?
To get his bear-ings.
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