126 Earth Day Jokes for Kids

126 Earth Day Jokes for Kids Pinterest Pin

Your kids will think these 126 Earth Day Jokes for Kids are tree-rific! Whether you are doing a study on Earth Day or just love a good joke, you will have fun with these!

We have a great collection of 126 Earth Day Jokes for Kids for both kids and adults everywhere! There is just something about a good joke that bonds people together.

What other Earth Day Jokes have you heard that you love? Leave them below in a comment and I will add them to the list with your name! (If you would like)

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More Earth Day Posts

Make up some of these fun Dirt and Worms Recipe for Earth DayEarth Day CookiesEasy Earth Day Popcorn Treat Cups, or Earth Day Oreo Truffles.      

Also try my Earth Day I Spy Printables, Earth Day How Many WordsEarth Day Word Search, Earth Day Memory Matching Game, 10 Earth Day Coloring Pages and Earth Day Word Scramble. They are all totally free. Just print and use!

These 25 Earth Day Crafts, Activities and Experiments will keep your kids busy with new fun things to do while learning and making memories and 126 Earth Day Jokes for Kids will keep them laughing!

Make some Earth Day Upcycled Suncatchers.

Follow my Earth Day Pinterest Board for dozens of ideas from all around the web! I am constantly finding new things to add so there will be new things all the time!

When is Earth Day?

Earth Day is always on April 22nd. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970.

More Jokes      

The Earth Day Jokes

Why did the leaf go to the doctor on Earth Day?

It was feeling green

Where do rocks like to sleep?


What did the Pacific Ocean say to the Atlantic Ocean?

Nothing, it just waved!

What do you call a snowman in the summer?

A puddle!

How do trees promote the pledge to protect the Earth?

By handing out leaf-lets

What runs but never gets out of breath?

A river!

Which side of a tree has the most leaves?

The outside

Did you hear about the red ship that collided with the blue ship?

All the sailors were marooned

Why don’t oysters give to charity?

Because they’re shellfish!

What do you call a funny mountain?


What did seaweed say when it got stuck at the bottom of the ocean?

“Kelp! Kelp!”

What did the limestone say to the geologist?

Don’t take me for granite!

Why did the tree get into a fight with the fence?

It was barking up the wrong trunk!

How do you cut a wave in half?

Use a sea saw

What falls in winter but never gets hurt?


Why do tornadoes zigzag?

Because they’re dizzy

Why did the fog get grounded?

It was too mist-behaved!

Why did the tree want to meet new friends joke

Why did the tree want to meet new friends?

It wanted to branch out!

What did the cloud wear under its coat?


How do trees get on the internet?

They log on!

What happened when the tornado married a cloud?

The wedding was a whirlwind!

What makes the Earth so great?

It’s well-rounded

What kind of plant can grow on your hand?

A palm tree

What do you get when you cross a shark and a snowman?


What kind of hair do oceans have?


What holds the sun up in the sky?


What’s a tornado’s favorite game?


How does a recycling bin get a six-pack?

It does a lot of crunches!

Did you hear the one about the recycling family of triplets?

Polly, Ethel and Ian

What do loggers eat in the forest?

Mac and trees

What kind of flower grows on your face?


How can you tell that the ocean is friendly?

It waves!

What do you call a high ranking soldier who hates recycling?

General Waste

What did Obi Wan Kenobi say to the tree on Earth Day?

May the Forest be with you

Why is the mushroom always invited to parties?

Because he’s a fungi

What do you call a fish that wears a bowtie?


What has no beginning, end or middle & touches every continent?

The Ocean

What runs but cannot walk, has a mouth but no teeth and has a bed but cannot sleep?

A river

What did one cloud say to the other cloud joke

What did one cloud say to the other cloud?

I mist you!

Why did the Earth get in trouble at school?

Because of its many faults!

What do you say when the beach asks you to walk on it?


What do you call it when worms take over the world?

Global worming!

What did the recycling bin say to the trash can?

I know you are garbage, but I love you anyway!

Why do leaves hate math?

Because they’re always falling behind!

What do worms leave round their baths?

The scum of the earth!

Why did the Earth go to space school?

To improve its atmosphere

Do you know where fishes work?

The Offish!

What did one tidepool say to the other tidepool?

Show me your mussels

Why did the gardener plant light bulbs?

She wanted to grow a power plant

How do leaves go to the Earth Day party?

They use an autumn-mobile

What is a windmill’s favorite kind of farm?

Well, it is a huge fan of wind farms!

Why is grass so dangerous?

Because it’s full of blades

What is a tree’s favorite drink?

Root Beer!

Why are people always tired on Earth Day?

Because they just finished a March

What goes up when the rain comes down?

An umbrella!

What’s an environmentalist’s favorite part of a computer?

The recycle bin

What did one volcano say to the other?

I lava you!

What did one lightning bolt say to the other?

You’re truly shocking!

Why did the recycling bin get sent to the principal’s office?

It was caught throwing paper planes

Why don’t leaves ever get lost?

They always know which way is due north!

How do you know if a tree is intelligent?

It has a lot of branches!

What kind of bow can’t be tied?

A rainbow!

What did the Sun say to the Earth during a heatwave?

You look hot!

How does a snowman get to work?

By icicle!

What did the tornado say to the washing machine?

Want to go for a spin?

What did Planet Earth say to the other planets?

You guys have no life!

What’s the difference between weather and climate?

You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate.

Why did the man have to quit working in a recycling plant crushing cans?

Because it was soda pressing! (so depressing)

What do you get when you mix a four-leaf clover with poison ivy?  

A rash of good luck

How much trash do you have to throw in the ocean to make a new country?

None, just some tea

What do you call a recycling bin that’s always dancing?

A can can!

Where do saplings go to learn?

Elementree school

What happened to the leaf when he was caught cheating during the Earth Day quiz?

He was disqua-leaf-ied

What did the mother worm say to her son who was late joke

What did the mother worm say to her son who was late?

“Where in earth have you been?”

What is the best way to communicate with fish?

Drop it a line!

When was our world born?

On it’s b-earth-day!

What does the sun drink out of?


Where did the lightning bolt propose?

Cloud 9!

What does one leaf say to the other on Earth Day eve?

“I’m falling for you.”

What do you get when you cross a tree and a bicycle?

A greener way to commute and help reduce carbon emissions!

How do you know if a recycling bin is happy?

It’s bin smiling!

What’s a weatherman’s favorite type of shoe?

Rain boots!

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

Why was the cucumber mad?

Because it was in a pickle

What bank never has any money?

A river bank

If you live in an igloo, what’s the worst thing about global warming?

No privacy!

What do you give a sick lemon?


Why was the recycling bin so cold?

It left its lid off

What did the beach say to the wave?

“Long tide, no sea.”

What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?

An abdominal snowman!

How do hurricanes see?

With one eye

What do you call a Bee that works for the government?

A pollentician

What does Earth get on Earth day?

A birthday quake!

How many climate change sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. It’s too early to say if the light bulb needs changing

Why does Planet Earth have only one moon?

Because the planet is moon-ogamous

Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open?

Because she was expecting some change in the weather

How does a recycling bin keep its balance?

It has a lot of can-do spirit!

What do you call leprechauns who collect aluminium cans, used newspapers and plastic bottles?


Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike?

It had lost its petals

What did the tree wear to the pool party?

Swimming trunks

Why do the people on Earth like the way their planet rotates?

Because it makes their day!

Why did the sun go to school?

So it could get brighter

What did the little tree say to the big tree?

Leaf me alone!

Why did the recycling bin feel sad?

It had a lot of empty feelings!

What has 18 legs and catches flies?

A baseball team

What happens when you throw a green rock into the Red Sea?

It gets wet

What is a good way to save energy?

The couch!

What did one firefly say to the other joke

What did one firefly say to the other?

“Sorry, gotta glow.”

Why couldn’t we have an Earth Day party?

I forgot to plan-et

What happens when it rains cats and dogs?

You have to been careful not to step in a “poodle” (puddle)

Why did the meteorologist go outside with a bar of soap?

They wanted to see if there was a chance of a shower!

Why did the tree go to the dentist?

To get a root canal!

Why don’t you pay for dead batteries?

Because they are free of charge!

What is a tree’s least favorite month?


What do you call a fish with no eyes?


How does the Old Tree let the others know about throwing an Earth Day party?

Through a teleafone

What did one tectonic plate say to another?

I’ve got a lot on my plate right now!

Why did the Earth break up with the other planets?

Because it needed space!

Why are recycle bins optimistic?

Because they’re full of cans

What did the flower say after it told a joke?

I was pollen your leg

What did the ground say to the earthquake?

You crack me up!

What kind of water cannot freeze?

Hot water

How do oil companies deal with oil spills?

Slick lawyers

What do trees feel on Earth Day?


What happens when the smog lifts over Los Angeles?


Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tree. Tree who?

Have a tree-rific day!

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126 Earth Day Jokes for Kids Pinterest Pin


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